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Students Visit Dyke Marsh


Under beautiful spring skies, 40 eighth graders and their teachers from Alexandria’s St. Stephens and St. Agnes School visited Dyke Marsh on April 5, 2017, under the leadership of their science teacher Robert Davis, Middle School Science Department Coordinator.  Using a seine net, students collected and studied fish and other aquatic life. 

calligraphyOthers walked to the boardwalk at the end of the Haul Road to observe birds and other wildlife.  A third group learned to paint elements of nature using Chinese calligraphy.  Among other fauna, the students found crayfish, three types of snails and several fish species:  spotted shiner, green sunfish, tessellated darter, yellow perch and bluegill.  They also identified the shells of two invasive species, an Asian clam and the “mystery snail.”  Red-winged blackbirds called from the narrow leaf cattails, ospreys fished overhead and two bald eagles flew over.

Photos contributed by Glenda Booth





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